Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Lord can I trust u in moments where I feel alone
Can I truly believe ure right here even tho I tell myself this in my praise and worship
How do I know ure ever with me wen I feel so alone
I feel like ive known u all my life
Spoke about u all my life
Yet at moments like this
I feel like I lost u along the way
How can I speak about u with so much confidence to unbelievers
Yet the same confidence fails me at times like these
Cos I feel u not
My heart tells me ure here
Ill like to say my flesh bites back and the bare reality that im alone hits me even harder.
Like it says in ur word wats the purpose of life vanity upon vanity
We only build and gather only to leave it for someone else to take it all over
The question is that which u cherished... wen left behind wud it be cherished by the person u left it to…
I knw I owe my being to u,,,yet every fibre of my being feels disgruntled
How can I speak of peace being still when I need an awakening by u…
How can I speak of u being here with me wen I need u to move me from where I am to where u want me to be …surely what u have for me is better than where I am …
Like a friend of mine said show me the things u have in store for me
I just might be more responsive more grateful …I might be placid
I cant promise anythin lord am mere human but one thing I do ask for is a lift…
A lift of the burden
A lift of the fluid that fills my eyes
A lift of the fluidity of my smiles
A lift of the fluidity of my thots
The permanence of your fluid that it may fill my cup and overflow …

Your child

1 comment:

Myne said...

The Lord is always faithful and will give when we ask from an open heart. Nice one dear and all the best.