Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Rite I need to address a few issues in the post but ill let u into the story first so u can judge for yourself before I influence you with my opinions..

I had dinner round about 8pm and found that at 11pm I was hungry again afraid of the night and all I thot ill dash to the high street to get some Chinese.

As I trotted along I found myself in soliloquy upon entering the shop I noticed the assistant coughing vehemently, which I had to consciously ignore as I placed the order for my food. The conversation began;

Barefeet; erm have u got any spring rolls with meat in it?
Coughing assistant; YES! We do…we got chicken with vegetables in it!
Barefeet; o……k? so do u have any with meat in i…t?
Coughing assistant;  YES! I said We do…we got chicken with vegetables in it!
Barefeet; so u haven't got anything with meat apart from chicken
Coughing assistant; YES CHICKEN IS MEAT!

At this point I was beginning to loose my sense of reasoning at the fact that the word meat can be transcribed into a bird, which is chicken. I did have to budge and ordered spring roll with meat I beg ur pardon with chicken in it..

First thing I don't see ow a bird or poultry could be thot of as meat. Especially wen it flies in the air and its not beef. For the sake of clarity surely wen I say meat ud think beef automatically…if u want to place chicken in the category of meat then u might as well say fish is meat as well!…

Which then leads me to my second point I could clearly see the lady was or is very educated as in degree level and all ..For her telling me its meat was like trying to prove she can speak English unlike her fellow Chinese takeaway colleagues who hardly spoke a word of English apart from the words written on the menu in front of them.

So in other words she was tryin to prove that shes got some status of some sort which I wasn't questioning. This also applies to Asians..sorry to say I believe they don't give a toss about customer service let alone the fact that they think the black race is inferior. 2 things

If u need to buy something from the off licence store or corner shop you go in they expect that u shud not ask any questions the minute u do there's problems! They begin with the attitude and they actually say to me If u don't want to buy leave it…ive had too many of these scenarios which is very sad cos If it were an asian standing in front of them they'll gladly ask about their family and chat away if u come in and beckon at them to get served they often ignore u and carry on like I don't need u to buy anything from my shop.

And the other thing that gets to me is wen u need to hand money to them they'd rather have u place the money on the table and if ur hand is still outstretched to hand them the money they drop their hand so low to avoid body contact. Its like common our skins are both black ooo…its not like ure exactly different or white which is supposedly the opposite of black.  theyre like in the middle..Apparently it's a traditional thing about black touching them meaning bad luck and all that jazz

And then lastly the black race itself I speak for Nigerians and how they form levels.or wud I call it effizy I guess that word has been replaced by swagger!

Y is it that wen we come amongst ourselves we need to prove we been to jand or yankee…I guess it's the same status quo that I mentioned with other nationalities that's occurring here. Tryin to prove levels etc…y cant we all just be ourselves whether bush or polished …and be nice to the other person regardless of education or where ure comin from. u'd imagine education will be a positive thing but wen people use as it as a pedestal to make themselves feel higher than their neighbour I think it totally unnecessary.

To be continued (wats it with girls and thanksgiving Sunday?!)


Unknown said...

chicken IS meat though.

leggy said...

actually when i think of meat...i think of anything with skin apart from fish...beef oh, pork oh, chicken oh..they are all meat so i kinda know where the chinese person is coming from.
and the thing about those nigerians are the kind of people you are opportuned to hang out with...my friends here are the razziest nigerians ive ever met and i love them like that!!no level forming at all.

Myne said...

But Chicken is really meat now? It's different from Fish which has a different body make uo and all, LOL.

And I agree with you on some Asians and their racism. I pity them sometimes.

NaijaScorpio said...

Chicken is meat....