Friday, 30 April 2010 be\not 2 be

Many thanks for all d comments on my previous be or not to be..the majority advised that i heres d feedback

I had a txt that i drafted before i put up my heres d text

Barefeet; hi im not sure if you know father gave me ur number a whie back..just thot id say care barefeet

I wanted to make sure d number worked so i called from my work fone...she picked up sayin hello...and i dropped...
I didnt want to call the manner in which she replies if i say...its barefeet might make me hate my decision for i thot id send d text first to get her i sent her d text..thinking she'll text bk then she called me immediately...i cant do suspense like Myne..

I was pondering do i pick up d call and what d hell do i say ...i was hpin she'll text that'll make it easier...

Girl on d fone; helloo
Barefeet; hi
Girl on d fone; thats barefeet rite
Barefeet,; yeh ure bleep bleep
Girl on d fone; ow u doin
Barefeet,; im ok and u...
girl on d fone; im fine thanks its ur dads sister...where abouts do u stay
Barefeet; erm ealing broadway..its on d central line
Girl on d fone; hmm ok im at catford..but im on my way to nigeria at d moment
Barefeet; so ure my dads sis..
Girl on d fone; yes i am...from his mothers side
barefeet; erm have i met u before like in nigeria cos i cnt remember much
Girl on d fone; no i dont think so
Barefeet; cos ive met a girl thats dark skinned and another one was light skinned
Girl; chuckles...theres loads of us..from d mother and father side...anyway no prob on my way to d airport sha...hp ure ok tho
Barefeet; yeh
Girl on d fne; no prob good that u calld id save ur number and when i get bk frm naija we can hook up
Barefeet; no prob

And we exchanged our goodbyes.
My people that was many things goin thru my head....
1. theres lots of them from the mother and father is that y he never gave a toss about me...and took after his parents children evrywhere that he cudnt keep track of them...annoyingly i can only assume hes not here to tell me otherwise...
2.good u called...was she aware of d last convo i had with my dad sayin i dont want to know her now..i just want to know my dad then her later..
Yes im ur dads sister...i thot he sent me a text u know u have a sis in thats meant to i know he has a sister in london...theres me thinking i have siblings....but there his siblings not that was kinds dissapointing...but all in all good she wants to hook up ...not sure wen she is back...i guess she was asking if im per my dads death...the if's and buts go on....until she calls to say she has returned d qs continue...if only he had answered d qs before he died....

Its ur girl barefeet!


Myne said...

Awww, nice to know you got in touch. She sounds nice too. You know ti the older generation, everyone is sister and brother, it's now we know aunts and nephews and nieces.

Thanks for sharing with us and I hope it goes well when she's back. Have a good weekend.

Sugarking said...

I was confused there for a second too. I though u had a sister not an aunt. Anyways, u just look forward to meeting ur new fam aight. Nothing spoil. We r all humans.

P.s You live at Ealing? hmmm.....

Barefeet said...

@ Myne thanks finger are crossed too..

@Sugar King ...for once u leave a productive comment ..u no come here come yab me...thanks a bunch and yes i live at ealing..

Sugarking said...

Babe make u do update na, e never tey reach? abi we go beg you again?? mcheeewww!